
Associate Professor
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MSN: 3B1
Siona Listokin-Smith is an associate professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.
Her research interests include financial regulation and competition, public finance, and corporate governance. She teaches master's and doctoral courses on research methods, public finance, microeconomics, and corporate social responsibility. She is especially interested in researching and applying pedagogical best practices in teaching research methods and applied economics.
Listokin has published articles in the Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, the International Journal of Corporate Governance, Health Management, Policy and Innovation, and the IUP Journal of Governance and Public Policy. She is currently the PI on a research grant that examines investment networks between institutional investors, including public pension funds and hedge funds.
She received her PhD in business and public policy from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and her BS from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Curriculum Vitae
View Siona Robin Listokin-Smith's CV
Schar School of Policy and Government George Mason University
3351 FairfaxDrive
Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: (703) 993-9756
View Siona Listokin's website
Associate Professor
August 2014-Present
Director, Master of Public Policy Program August 2014-July 2016
Assistant Professor August 2007-July 2014
Research Scholar, Center for the Study of Corporate Law
Ph.D. in Business Administration, 2007 Dissertation: “Essays on Political Economy”
B.S., 2000
Concentration: Finance and Statistics
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Data Collection Strategy: Evidence from the Android App Market. Journal of Business and Technology, forthcoming 2019.
- Does Industry Regulation of Consumer Data Privacy Work? IEEE Privacy and Security, Volume 15, Issue 2, March 2017.
- The Self-Regulation of Data Privacy and Security, Journal of Information Technology and Privacy Law, Vol 32, 2015.
- An Analysis of U.S. Congressional Support for the Affordable Care Act, Health Management, Policy and Innovation, Vol2: 1, 2014, pp. 1-9. (with Aaron Chatterji and Jason Snyder)
- Meta-Regulation of OTC Derivatives Contracts Post Reform, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Vol 21:2, May 2013, pp. 188-200.
- Institutional Investors and Proxy Proposals. International Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 2, No. 3/4, 2011, pp. 288-304.
- Global Pension Fund Activism: A Review of the Largest Government Pension Systems, IUP Journal of Governance and Public Policy, Vol. VI, No. 3, 2011, pp. 35-49.
- Institutional Investor Composition and Proxy Access Proposals. Corporate Governance International Review: Conference Proceedings, September 2010.
- A Comment on Corporate Social Responsibility and Workers’ Rights. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Volume 30(1), October 2008, pp. 11-16. (with Aaron Chatterj)
- Comment on Property Tax Incidence, Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 17, Issue 1, 2006, pp. 27-44. (with David Listokin and Ioan Voicu)
- Issues in Globalisation, Growth and Governance: An Asian Perspective. World Scientific, 2014. (co-edited with Tony Cavoli and Ramkishen Rajan).
Book Chapters
- Asian Institutional Investor Ownership, in Globalisation, Growth and Governance: An Asian Perspective, Tony Cavoli, Siona Listokin and Ramkishen Rajan, eds, World Scientific, January 2014.
- Public Employee Pensions and Investments, in The Handbook on State and Local Government Finance, Bob Ebel and John Peterson, eds, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 843-868.
- Collaborative Governance and the US Healthcare and Retirement Systems, in Repositioning Europe and America for Growth, Eberhard Bohne and Sharlie Karlsson, eds, LIT Verlag,Transatlantic Public PolicySeries, Vol. 5. LIT-Verlag Publishers, 2010, pp 277-294.
- Challenges and Strategies for Economic Development in Indian Country: Case Study of the Navajo Nation, in Housing and Economic Development in Indian Country: Challenge and Opportunity, Transaction Press, 2006, pp. 325-372.
Other Scholarly Work
- U.S. Public Pension Funds and Alternative Investments: Uneven Investment Policies, Uneven Results, Institute for New Economic Thinking Policy Paper, January 2015. (With Julia Pfaff, Karelle Samuda and Janine Wedel)
- Digital Advertising Alliance. Encyclopedia of Big Data, eds Connie McNeelyand Laurie Schintler, Springer Meteor, forthcoming.
- Network Advertising Initiative. Encyclopedia of Big Data, eds Connie McNeely and Laurie Schintler, Springer Meteor, forthcoming.
- We the People Fix the Budget: Americans’ Preferences for Revenue Increases and Spending Cuts, Tax Notes, April 2013, pp 188-195. (with Yair Listokin and Samson Mesele)
- Book review of Subprime Nation: American Power, Global Power and the Housing Bubble, Journal of Planning Education and Research, September2013.
- Improving the Incentives for Historic Preservation: A Reply to David Kohtze, Texas Law Review, Vol 90, 2012. pp 285-294. (with David Listokin)
- Corporate Social Irresponsibility, Democracy Journal, Issue 3, Winter2007, pp. 52-63. (with Aaron Chatterji)
- The Management of State Employee Retirement Systems, Academy of Management Proceedings, Best Papers, pg. C1-C16, 2006.
Research Related to Teaching
- Graduate Education in Political Science(with Katie Cahill and Anoinette Christophe). PS: Political Science and Politics. July 2013, pp 653-654.
- Graduate Education and Professional Development (with Robert McKeever). PS: Political Science and Politics. July 2011, pp. 658-659.
Submitted Research and Working Papers
- U.S. Public Pension Funds and Alternative Investments: Uneven Investment Policies, Uneven Results, Public Budgeting and Finance. (With Julia Pfaff, Karelle Samuda and Janine Wedel), Revise and resubmit.
- The Impact of Editorial Slant, revise and resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, (with Jason Snyder)
- Are Chief Privacy Officers Private? The Social Network Behavior of the C-suite
School of Policy, Government and International Affairs, George Mason University
U.S. Information Technology Policy (MPP) Managerial Economics for Policy Analysis (MPP)
US Financial Policy, Processes and Procedures (MPP) Advanced Public Budgeting (MPP)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Policy (MPP) Research Design for Public Policy (PhD)
International Financial Institutions (ICP)
PhD Directed Readings
Big Data Policy, Private Regulation, Medical Self-Regulation, Transaction Cost Economics, Mandatory Spending and Entitlements, Institutional Economics, Wealth Transfers and Public Policy, Critical Research on Corporate Social Responsibility, Political Economy and US Policy, Propensity Score Matching, Budget Theory, Fiscal Policy
MPP Directed Readings
National Energy Policy, Derivatives Regulation and Policy, Financial Literacy in Alexandria and Arlington Country
Doctoral Committees
Committee Member:5
University of California, Berkeley
Economics 101
Marketing Statistics (TA)
Presentations Related to Research
Public Policy Symposium on the Law and Economics of Privacy and Data Security, Moderator, George Mason University May 2019
Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Discussant, May 2019
Supreme Court Economic Review Roundtable, Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, Discussant, February 2019
Program on Economics of Privacy, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, Panel Discussant, December 2018
Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Discussant, June 2018
IEEE Privacy Aware Computing Symposium, August 2017
Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Paper Author, June 2016
Law and Economics Center, Privacy Fellowship Roundtable, December 2016
Law and Economics Center, Workshop on Consumer Protection, June 2016
Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Paper Discussant, June 2016
MediaPost, The Reckoning on AdTech, Panelist, January 2016
Federal Trade Commission PrivacyCon, Discussant, January 2016
Harvard Business School, Self Regulation of Consumer Data Privacy, November 2015
Law and Economics Center, The Law and Economics of Privacy and Data Security, Spring 2015
IEEE Symposium of Security and Privacy Short Talk, Spring 2015, Measuring Data Privacy and Security
The Association of Private Enterprise, Annual Conference 2015, Regulation of Privacy and Security
George Mason University SPGIA Brown Bag, Self-Regulation of Data Privacy and Security
George Mason University School of Law, “Self-Regulation of Consumer Data Privacy and Security,” Fall 2014
Ohio State University, “Public Pension Fund Governance in 2013,” Spring 2013
University of Notre Dame Law School, “The Role of Intermediaries in Corporate Governance: Public Pension Plans,” Fall 2012
SSSA Conference, “Institutional Investor Ownership Type and Proxy Access Reforms,” Spring 2011
Discussant, Institutions and Governance Conference, Harvard Business School, Fall 2010
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, joint conference with GMU, “Institutional and Foreign Investor Composition,” Fall 2010
Nanyang Technological University, joint conference with GMU, “A Review of Global Public Pensions,” Fall 2010
The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, “Institutional Investor Composition and Proxy Access Proposals,” Fall 2010
School of Public Policy, George Mason, Brown Bag Lecture Series, “Corporate Governance Reforms After the Crisis: Which Shareholders Matter?” Spring 2010
Association for Public Policy, Analysis and Management, Annual Conference, “Can the OTC Derivatives Market Self Regulate? Evidence from Confirmations Backlogs,” Fall 2009
Academy of Management, Annual Conference, “Institutional Investors and Corporate Social Responsibility,” Summer 2009
Transatlantic Policy Consortium Annual Meeting, Jonkoping Sweden, “Cooperative Governance in Health Care and Retirement,” May 2009
Association for Public Policy, Analysis and Management, Annual Conference, “Early Evidence on Public Pension Fund OPEB’s,” Fall 2008
Yale Law School, “Corporate Social Performance and Pension Fund Ownership,” October2008 International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, University of Navarra, “A Skeptical Model of Doing Good,” Spring 2008
Western Academy of Management, Annual Conference, “CSR with Uncertainty,” Spring 2008
Southwestern Political Science Association, Annual Conference, “Hidden Health Costs,” Spring 2008
Midwestern Political Science Association, Annual Conference, “OPEB and Pension Governance,” Spring 2008
Western Political Science Association, Annual Conference, “Retiree Health Care Costs: Early Evidence,” Spring 2008
School of Public Policy, George Mason, Brown Bag Lecture Series, “Early Evidence from OPEB”, Fall 2007
Harvard School of Business, Institutions and Governance Conference, “OPEB and Pension Governance,” Fall 2007
London Business School, Transatlantic Doctoral Conference, “The Governance of Pension Funds,” Spring 2006
Academy of Management, Annual Conference, Public and Non-Profits Division, Summer 2006
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Annual Conference, “Fiscal Management in State Government,” Fall 2006
Presentations Related to Teaching
American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, “Happens When Public Policy Schools are Located in PS Departments?” Spring 2013
University of Texas Brownsville, “Rethinking the Microeconomics Curriculum in Public Affairs Masters Programs,” Spring 2012
Panelist, Graduate Education, American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference., Fall 2011
Panelist, Midwest Political Science Association Conference, “Political Science and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,” Spring 2011
American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, “Teaching ‘Other’ Disciplines to Graduate Students,” Spring 2011
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Academy, Eastern Michigan University, “Microeconomics in Public Policy Graduate Programs,” Spring 2010
Teaching Public Administration Conference, “Microeconomics in Public Policy Graduate Programs,” Spring 2010
American Political Science Association, Teaching and Learning Conference, Discussant on “Teaching Research Methods” Panel, Spring 2010
George Mason University Law and Economic Center, Privacy Fellowship
2017 and 2015
Google Faculty Research Award
Institute for New Economic Thinking Grant ($100k)
George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award Nomination
Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund Grant, Consultant
School of Public Policy Teaching Award
2009, George Mason University
Socrates Scholarship, The Aspen Institute (declined)
June 2009
Tobin Project Regulation Research Grant (with Aaron Chatterji and Jason Snyder)
The Tobin Project, 2008
Best Paper, Academy of Management Proceedings
AOM, 2006
Orel Chrisman Crawford Dissertation Fellowship
Haas School of Business, PhD (for top female PhD student), 2006-2007
Bradley Dissertation Grant
Haas School of Business,2006
Sasakawa Fellowship
Haas School of Business,2005-2006
Crawford Foundation Fellowship
Institute of Management, Innovation and Organization Grant
Haas School of Business, 2003-2004
Academic Chair
Haas PhD Association, 2003
Research Assistant
Haas School of Business, for Profs David Vogel, Pablo Spiller, and David Mowery, 2003-2007
California Commission for Jobs and Economic Growth, Sacramento CA, 2006
Research Associate, Case Study Author
Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, NJ, 1998-2004
Liason, Academy of Management (PNP) and American Political Science Association (2011-2014)
Academy of Management, Western Academy of Management, Association of Public Policy and Management, American Political Science Association, Southwestern Political Science Association
International Journal of Corporate Governance, Public Finance and Budgeting, Corporate Governance International Review, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Academy of Management, Western Academy of Management, Journal of Public Administration Education, Journal of Political Science Education
Research cited/published by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR, NBC News, Slate, The New Republic, Fortune Magazine, CNN.
Areas of Research
- Federalism/State and Local Government
- Microeconomics
- Political Economy
- Quantitative Methods
- Regulatory Policy
- Private Regulation
- Corporate Governance
- Public Finance