Director, Research Partnerships
Contact Information
Email: jauffret@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-5641
Office Location: Enterprise Hall 049
Office Hours: By appointment
J.P. Auffret is director, Research Partnerships in the Costello College of Business and director, Center for Assurance Research and Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University, USA.
Auffret is also co-founder and current president of the International Academy of CIO (IAC), an NGO headquartered in Tokyo, Japan with the objectives of fostering the development of CIO and IT executive leadership education and institutions; and the application of emerging technologies to major challenges including healthcare, ageing societies and natural disasters.
Auffret’s work and research span a range of applied technology fields including CIO and ICT governance; cybersecurity leadership, and innovation and application of emerging technologies and with APEC, NSF, U.S. Department of State, World Bank, ITU and IBM. His experience includes executive positions with MCI and its joint venture with British Telecom, Concert and academic positions with George Mason, Duke University’s Center for International Development, UNU-eGOV (United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance) and as physicist-in-residence at American University. Auffret earned a B.S. from Duke University where he was an A.B. Duke Scholar, M.B.A. from the University of Virginia and Ph.D. in Physics from American University.
Research Interests
- CIO and IT Executive Leadership
- Development and application of emerging technologies
- eGovernment
- Mobiles and telecommunications
- PhD - Physics, American University
- MBA, University of Virginia
- BS - Chemistry, Duke University
Research and Awards
- 2013 George Mason University Supervisor of the Year
- 2013 International Academy of CIO Distinguished Leadership Award
Research Funding
- National Science Foundation – “Bridging the Cybersecurity Leadership Gap: Assessment, Competencies and Capacity Building” (August 2013 – July 2015) (with Angelos Stavrou and Brent Kang).
- IBM Strategic University Research Award – “Old and New: Cross-Industry Considerations for Securing Industrial Control Systems” (January 2014 – December 2014).
Publications and Invited Talks
- Obi, Toshio, Auffret, J.P. and Iwasaki, Naoko, (co-editors), Aging Society and ICT: Global Silver Innovation, IOS Press, 2013.
- “Developing a GCIO System: Enabling Good Government through eLeadership”, with Elsa Estevez, Ignacio Marcovecchio and Tomasz Janowski. In the proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2010), Puebla, Mexico, 17 - 20 May 2010, ACM Press.
- “CIOs, Enterprise Architecture and Coherency Management”, book chapter in Coherency Management: Architecting the Enterprise for Alignment, Agility and Assurance, 2009.
- Invited speaker at the 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2010) held in October 2010 in Beijing, China giving talk entitled “Best Practices in CIO and Executive IT Leadership Capacity Building” with Elsa Estevez.
- Invited speaker at the 2010 Virginia Rural Health Summit held in March 2010 in Danville, Virginia giving talk entitled “Telehealth in Virginia Current and Future -- Measured Progress, Great Possibilities, Many Challenges”
- Invited speaker at the 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2010) held in October 2010 in Beijing, China giving talk entitled “Best Practices in CIO and Executive IT Leadership Capacity Building” with Elsa Estevez.
- “Rural and Municipal eGovernment Initiatives in Developing Countries: Best Practices and a Framework for Success”, book chapter in Global eGovernance: Advancing eGovernance through Innovation and Leadership, 2009.
- Invited speaker at U.N. University Forum on eGovernment held in March 2009 in Macao giving a talk entitled “From Rural to Urban: Connecting Communities for Successful eGovernment.”
- Invited speaker for the 3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2009) held in November 2009 in Bogota, Colombia giving talk entitled “eLeadership”.
- Invited speaker at SIE 2009 – Simposio de Informatica in el Estado held in August 2009 in Mar del Plata, Argentina giving a talk entitled “International CIO Best Practices and Education : How Government, Private Sector, NGOs and Universities Can Contribute to the Success of eGovernment Leaders”.
- Invited keynote speaker at the NTT Data 20th Anniversary Conference held in November 2008 in Tokyo, Japan giving a talk entitled “CIO Trends and Future Challenges in the U.S.”
- Invited speaker at the APEC Symposium on eGovernance held in February 2008 in Lima, Peru on eParticipation.
- Invited keynote speaker at “2007 Hanoi Forum on Information – Communication Technology” conference held in December 2007 in Hanoi, Vietnam giving a talk titled “CIO, ICT and Transition Economies”.
- Co-chair of “CIOs in an Innovative World: Strengthening eGovernment” conference held in May 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Conference Organizer and Chair of international “2007 Global CIO Leadership Roundtable: Creating Better Government and Society through Enhanced CIO Leadership” held October 27th – 29th 2007 at George Mason University.
- Member of International Advisory Committee and speaker for “CIOs in a Decentralized World: Strengthening Capacities for eLeadership Conference” held in April 2007 in Manila, Philippines giving a talk entitled “Technology Innovation and Adoption in eGovernment”.
Public Committees/Commissions
- Commonwealth of Virginia Health Information Technology Advisory Commission - 2010 Member of state commission supporting the Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the planning for a state health information exchange.
- Electronic Medical Records Advisory Committee, Virginia General Assembly's Joint Commission on Technology and Science (JCOTS) - 2007, 2008 Member of the Commonwealth of Virginia advisory committee on electronic medical records.